How To Make A Simple Electric Power Bank At Home For Phone Charging



In every places, countries or states there is sometimes voltage out, And we will be in need of our phones to strike us out when such happens.
Even though our phones has not been made to have everlasting batteries or cells, But they are rechargeable.

Most people fall victims when there are voltage out in their communities, Their phones too has weaker battery so must suffer in the dark.
From today onward, never find your self stranded when there is out of voltage and has a phone with weaker cells too.

In these article, SANDARI TV is engaging you in a basic knowledge about electricals/electronics, to help you make an affordable live during the outage of voltage. We will digest everything step by step to your understanding on How To Basically Made An Electric Power Bank with less time and energy consumption.

You keep wondering how possible these could be ?
Just open your genuine mind and follow the sequential step by step process to arrive with us successful by making your power bank trough the free technology by SANDARI TV.

To start molding your power bank, there is the to organize some electronic components such as:

  • 18650 li-ion battery
  • TP 4056 battery protection module
  • 6009 Boost Converter module
  • LED
  • 330 ohm resistor
  • USB female socket
  • Soldering kit
  • Switch
Now, we assume your materials are ready, So lets get started.
  1. Arrange the batteries proper and orderly.
    Connect your cells in in parrel by putting or connecting live(+) sides together, and do same to the neutral or negative(-) sides. Below is a picture of how the batteries should be connected.
    But charge the batteries to same maximum voltage or power before connecting them.

  2. Connect the batteries to the TP 4056 battery protection module.
    These protection keeps the batteries away from been over charged, over discharged or been short circuited. Your maximum voltage must be at least 4.2V 100% or below state of charge.
    The below image tells how it should be connected.

  3. Connect the 6009 Boost Converter module to the positive(+) and negative(-) terminals, and and connect you switch too.
    The purpose of the 6009 Boost Converter module is stepping up the voltage of the batteries of 3.7V nominal to stable (5V).
    The trimmer on the boost converter varied to set an out voltage to standard (5V) before connecting the phone.
    You must never exceed  5V.
    These is how you should connect them.

  4. Organize your work and trim either plastic or wood, to galvanize your work inside to make it look nice and easy carry along on a journey.
Congratulations, you have successfully made your personal power bank to help charge your phone anytime at everywhere.

SANDARI TV will keep publishing useful contents here, Just keep following for more.

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