Video: Double Tee -Ahyi Episode 9 Official Video


 DOUBLE TEE literally interprets TT.
Double Tee  is a strong member and plays a very important  role in the Northern Ghana Entertainment Industry since entertainment important.

Entertainment is said to make one happy and make the recover their mood as well.
Entertainment can also be seen education to some specific minds and classes of grater minds. Nowadays the world is advanced grater to imagine. Many musicians make it ti their possible best to bring lessons to the closer hearing of people who cant sit for effective studies.

One clean artist/musician is DOUBLE TEE(TT).
He sticks to use the little opportunity he has for education purpose by composing sensible and maturity contents in his song.
AHYI is one most listened sensible song from the said act, For that mater TT took it passionate in releasing episodes of songs with same title every year.

Here, I present to the episode 9 of the song, which is the current latest episode on the go.
Kindly watch or download by using our the video player below.

Double Tee -Ahyi Episode 9 Official Video

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